Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I know I seemed to have completely fallen off the radar..which is probably not the best thing for a writer trying to build up her online presence, but it was needed. As I said I would, I am coming back by December. I have a few things to finish up that require my attention, but I plan returning to regular posting with next episode of Tales in Midtown on Dec 1st. I promise it will be a good one! For having to wait as long as you did you all deserve it so I hope I can deliver!

Things are beginning to settle down for at least a little bit it seems. I am still employed (thank goodness!) and  back to full time hours for at least this month, hopefully very close to securing a more permanent full time standing within the same company. I was going to be sad to leave that company and all the friends I have met in the last 5 years, so for now this is a happy resolution. It is still motivation to get my butt in gear however...

With that and school seeming to be more on level ground I am not feeling so distracted and depressed (the whole not knowing if we would have money for bills thing was mainly the reason of both those feelings). I can feel the muse returning and am ready to welcome it back and get back down to business. I suppose it helps when friends are supporting you and certainly many of you have been throughout the last month or so. In fact I gained 2 more followers on my blog! Hello you two! I will be posting more regularly on twitter like I used to and also be posting every other day or so on here.

This last month has been rough, but I think some decisions that needed to be made were, and things that needed to fall in place did. Have a good thanksgiving!


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